Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Car Insurance Policy- What does it covers

Car Insurance Policy
Part1 - Loss of or damage to the vehicle insured
The company will reimburse the insured against the loss or damage to the vehicle insured for the following:
1) by fire, explosion, self ignition or lightning
2) by burglary, housebreaking or theft
3) by riot & strike
4) by earthquake
5) by flood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, inundation, cyclone
6) by accidental external means
7) by malicious act
8) by terrorist activity
9) whilst in transit by road, rail, inland-waterway, lift, elevator or air
10) by land slide, rockslide

Part II- Liability to third parties
1) Death of or bodily injury to any person including occupants carried in the vehicle (provided the occupants are not carried for hire or reward)
2) Damage to the property other than property belonging to the insured

Part III - Personal accident cover for owner diver

Due to bodily injury/death sustained by the owner-driver of the vehicle by violent accidental external and visible means which independent of any other cause shall within six calendar months of such injury results in

Nature of injury Scale of Compensation

Death 100%

Loss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb & sight of one eye 100%

Loss of one limb or sight of one eye 50%

Permanent total disablement from injuries other than named above 100%

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